Griffith Park has so much to do that it could contend with Disneyland. From a zoo to an observatory to a water park, this is a playground right here in Los Feliz.
It could take months to get to everything in Griffith Park, but I think everyone should go there for a least a day or two.
Here is a list of the things to do there:
27 tennis courts
3 golf courses
4,310 acres
Autry National Center *
Greek Theatre *
Griffith Observatory and Planetarium *
Hiking and Equestrian Trails
Los Angeles Zoo *
Miniature train and horse ride *
Outdoor Basketball Court
Picnic area
Soccer Field
"The Plunge" swimming pool*
Travel Town Museum *
Walt Disney’s Carolwood Barn *
I will be publishing a separate blog for each of the items with the asterisk, so look forward to great guide to this amazing place!
The highlighted items will have their own blog posting coming up.
Do you have any memories of Griffith Park? Have you been there lately?
If so please share your knowledge and memories by posting a comment.