Directed by Jake Wilson (You Must Be Joking, The Battery's Down) and produced by Kate Pazakis, with musical direction by Brian P. Kennedy and Richie Garcia "Los, Feliz, 90027" is a love letter/spoof to soapy dramas like Nashville, that follows the over-the-top lives of the staff of Rockwell restaurant and bar: the waiters, waitresses and bartenders who are aspiring actors, musicians and... porn stars.
Perez Hilton is on board for a special guest appearance, Rumor Willis stars in the show, along with Bridgette B.. Blake Cooper Griffin, David Hull, Alex Ellis, Constantine Rousouli, Levi Freeman, Ben D. Goldberg, Carly Jibson, Sebastian LaCause, Lisa Mindelle, Sam Pancake, Corbin Reid, and Tory Devon Smith.
The show will be up and running at Rockwell Table and Stage through February 15 with new episodes twice a month. Check out a recent KTLA interview with star Rumor Willis and Jake Wilson.
"90027" is an experimental format that could be described as live episodic entertainment. The story will alternate between live theatrical performance (performed twice a month LIVE at Rockwell Table & Stage in Los Feliz, LA) and pre-taped scenes on film that will be projected during the show.