New Art Exhibit at Barnsdall Art Park - "Size Really Does Matter"


Barnsdall Art Park is a well known place in Los Angeles that sometimes goes unnoticed by locals and tourists alike, in favor of the Hollywood Sign and Griffith Observatory, two local iconic area structures. However, Barnsdall Park is, in size, similar to New York’s Central Park, and is home to the Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery. 

According to the art gallery’s Facebook page , “we are actually located in East Hollywood, not Los Feliz. Los Feliz only wishes.” Either way, the art gallery, owned by the City of Los Angeles, is a free admission treasure for people who enjoy viewing art.

The Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery’s latest exhibition comes with a provocative title: “Size Really Does Matter.” Don’t let it fool you—it’s not about a certain male body part. Instead, Size Really Does Matter is a monumental exhibition of various large-scale artworks on view now thru January 5, 2014. For those of you who have the inclination to view contemporary, abstract art, you’ll either really like what you’ll see or else find yourself shaking your head saying, “This is art?” That’s probably part of the fun!

The gallery recently reconfigured its space, which is located on Hollywood Boulevard and within Barnsdall Park. Size Really Does Matter showcases a variety of art installations inspired by the public artwork seen around Greater Los Angeles. Take a peek at some of the art, and you may recognize odes to the Watts Towers or the mural on Olvera Street.


If you like seeing new and interesting paintings, sculptures and video installations by mostly local artists, visit the Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery and see for yourself that Size Really Does Matter.