Mixologist Ben Scott
In Los Feliz, one of our favorite local establishments has a new bar manager. The place is called MessHall (4500 Los Feliz Blvd. at Hillhurst) and Ben Scott is now in charge.
Scott is a NY-to-LA transplant, and lacks the pretension many managers seem to have. He came to California with his girlfriend, who wanted to pursue a writing career in a new, sunnier, warmer place. Initially, he worked crappy movie studio jobs but then switched to bartending at Lukshon.
Today, Scott oversees MessHall, which is known for burgers and such, but also its wide array of drinks. If you’re looking to sample a variety of American whiskeys in Los Feliz, MessHall is the place to go nowadays. Indeed, MessHall stocks some harder-to-find whiskeys you don’t normally drink at home, such as Balcones Brimstone and Monterey Rye. In addition, barrel aged cocktails are available.
While in Los Feliz, MessHall is worth a visit; see their website at www.messhallkitchen.com or call 323-660-6377 for more information. And if you see a guy there people call Ben, say hello and ask him to recommend a drink for you!